Every Vote Counts - Business Marketing Association Sessions for Denver Start-up Week
The BMA Colorado has submitted two sessions for Denver Startup Week 2017, which will address key marketing issues impacting the start-up environment. Denver Startup Week, September 25-29, is the largest free startup event in the nation and session voting ends on May 28th. BMA needs your help to contribute more marketing sessions to this year’s lineup!
Both BMA sessions were selected in the initial round by DSUW committee members and the next step in the process requires a popular vote to gauge interest. BMA felt that marketing topics and knowledge were under-served in the 2016 event, and wanted to bring their expertise and knowledge forward to support this important event.
Topics submitted include:
1) Closing the Gap Between Your Brand and Your Product – According to a survey by Nielson in 2015, 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them, and 21% say they purchased a new product because it was from a brand they like. This session will feature branding professionals with start-up experience in a panel discussion to address the importance of building a brand, not just a product. Branding is critical to every company, and many entrepreneurs make the mistake of focusing strictly on their product or service and ignore the brand.
2) Navigating the Marketing Minefield to Find the Right Agency - A panel of Denver-based agency leaders will share their experience and insight to help entrepreneurs mitigate the marketing mine field and understand how agencies work and how they can contribute to a company’s journey in world domination. They’ll also discuss the best marketing activities/branding strategies that will provide the best results for minimal investment based on your objective.
Please VOTE for both sessions! The voting process requires a quick registration but is relatively painless. By registering, you'll be kept apprised of Denver Start-up Week events, mixers and happenings and your support will allow us to bring these top-tier marketing professionals together for Denver Startup Week. Don’t wait! Voting closes May 28.