Coordinate Lead Generation & Nurturing to Maximize Impact
Too often, I talk with companies that have separate lead generation and lead nurture programs. Most of these programs are managed as distinct initiatives rather than integrated strategies that work together to create informed prospects and an enabled sales team. This is a mistake.
In the era of the self-directed buyer, when most of the B2B buyer’s journey is complete before a prospect reaches out to sales and more than three quarters of B2B buyers prefer to receive content unique to their buying stage, lead generation and lead nurture are two parts of one important process. After all, most consumers engage with an average of 10 pieces of content before making a decision, so why would you develop that content in a disjointed fashion?
Deploying a lead generation program without having a solid nurture plan in place is destined to fail in moving prospects down the funnel. It’s like building a car without the transmission – all the power to move exists without the necessary element to create momentum and advance the car down the road.
Effective lead generation and nurture programs are integrated and provide unique, compelling and personalized content in creative formats. Modern marketers understand that personalized programs catered to the buyers’ informational needs are the new expectation. These programs should provide commercial insights that challenge the buyer’s assumptions, offer valuable perspective on their business or market and teach them about new issues that impact their business. Lead generation and nurture programs should also help prospects navigate alternatives and avoid potential mistakes in decision making, while ultimately, leading them to your products and solutions.
Matt Smolenski, Director of Account Management at 90octane, brings more than 15 years of marketing and client service experience, partnering with B2B companies such as IBM, Cisco and Oracle. He believes our team is an extension of our client’s business, providing the insights and ideas that take clients in unexpected directions.