Denver Start-Up Week Session: Free Marketing Tech Tools Every Start-Up Should Know
Young companies need basic marketing tactics to build a brand and create engagement, to get results with minimal spend. The Marketing Alliance has tapped our community of talent with start-up experience, to share some favorite free or very low-cost tech stack options.
Having a go-to marketing strategy is not enough to drive adoption and awareness. Young companies need basic marketing tactics to build a brand and create engagement. However, finding ways to get results with minimal spend is necessary.
The Marketing Alliance has tapped our community of marketing talent with start-up experience, to share some of our favorite tech stack options that are free or very low-cost to support:
Nils Thorson, Social Media Strategist, TransAmerica
Tricia Smith (Panel Moderator), Sr. Product Marketing Manager, GHX they share some budget-friendly tech solutions.
*And Members of The Marketing Alliance: find Derrol at the session for your free gift!*
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Happening When?
Sep 17, 2019
2 to 3:30pm
Last year was 'standing room only' so arrive in time to catch this informative session led by The Marketing Alliance's team of start-up, tech stack marketing experts!
FREE! (You may wish to register via the Denver Start Up Week site).