Your blog is the center of your content marketing strategy. The content you produce, publish, and share is a bargaining chip that you must use wisely. Whether you want to increase traffic organically or by paid advertising, you will still need to produce valuable and relevant content. No matter how much you spend on Google or Facebook advertising, you will never rank #1 if your content is not the best and most relevant.
Below are a variety of proven ways that you can increase your traffic without too much extra effort.
Thanks to Joe Caston, Founder and CEO of CapSumo for contributing this blog post to TMA. CapSumo is TMA's conversion rate optimization partner. Generate more leads by seeing who visits your abandoned web-forms with CapSumo. Instantly grow your email list, get more leads, and increase sales with the #1 conversion optimization toolkit. Works with almost any form and works with your existing sales and marketing tools. Easily follow up with interested leads and turn them into loyal customers.
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